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Alban's Garden

10 minutes

"A nagging question may remain in one’s mind at the end of “Alban Garden” by Rich Espey, which explores a curious social disjoint, wryly and touchingly..."

- Triangle Arts and Entertainment


"I was most affected byAlban’s Garden, by Rich Espey, with Barbette Hunter and Julie Oliver, directed by Brook North with cool lucidity."  - The Five Points Star

Sharon's husband has been recently murdered.  Laura seeks information from Sharon about the crime, but Sharon is unable to provide it. Sharon seeks compassion and understanding from Laura. The play begins when Laura brings Sharon a tub of White Chicken Chili. The play ends when Sharon dumps the White Chicken Chili onto a table.

Alban's Garden.jpg


  • Sharon, black, 40

  • Laura, white, 40

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